We support community economic development for our area's members, serving all individuals and organizations that reside and operate within the traditional home of the First Nations people who call this region “Mushkegowuk.

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Our mission is to support community economic development for our community members through:

Chapleau Cree Fort Albany First Nation Kashechewan Cree First Nation Missanabie Cree First Nation Taykwa Tagamou Mushkegowuk Council Fort Severn First Nation Town of Moosonee Moose Cree First Nation MoCreebec Attawapiskat First Nation


Wakenagun serves the “Mushkegowuk" Region.

These communities include Attawapiskat, Fort Albany, Kashechewan, Peawanuck, Moose Factory, Moosonee, Taykwa Tagamou, Missanabie, and Fort Severn.


The community of Attawapiskat is located 52 degrees north and 82 degrees west. It has a land area of 1.32 km and is located along the Attawapiskat River, 5 km inland from the James Bay coastline. It’s an isolated community, which has Timmins as the nearest urban center located approximately 500 km south. It is situated approximately 160 km north of Moosonee.

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Fort Albany

The community of Fort Albany is located in the district of Cochrane on the West coast of James Bay, Longitude 82 degrees west 45’ and latitude 53 degrees north 20’. The community is situated on Sinclair and Anderson’s Islands on the Albany River, and on the mainland. The community is 128 air km northwest of Moosonee.


The community of Kashechewan is located in the district of Kenora 81 degrees west longitude and 52 degrees north latitude. It is a First Nation of the Albany Reserve #67. The community is located on the northern shore of the Albany River, 10 km upstream from James Bay. An isolated community, the nearest urban centre is Timmins and it is located approximately 485 km south. [More]


The Missanabie Cree First Nation is a distinct group of the Mushkegowuk Cree whose traditional territory is centered in and around Missanabie Lake, Dog Lake, and Wabatongushi Lake. These were just some of the water systems we used.

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Moose Factory

Moose Factory is located in the district of James Bay, 51 degrees 15′ North longitude and 80 degrees 17′ West latitude. Moose Factory is an island that lies five km south of the mouth of James Bay. Moose Factory is five km long and three km wide and is approximately 1300 acres.

Visit Moose Cree First Nation’s Website | Visit MoCreebec Website


Moosonee, located in the district of Cochrane, is situated at 80 degrees latitude N 35′ and longitude 51 degrees W 07′. The community is situated on the north side of the Moose River approximately 13 km inland on the West Coast of James Bay. Moosonee is Ontario’s only saltwater port. [More]

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Weenusk First Nation History Weenusk (ground hog) First Nation is Cree. This First Nation speaks in N dialect Cree and English. They once traded with the Hudson Bay Company at York Factory, Fort Severn, Fort Albany, Moose Factory, Rupert’s House, Fort George, and Ottawa. [More]

Taykwa Tagamou

The Taykwa Tagamou First Nation has a reserve located 14 km west of the Abitibi Canyon Hydro Generation Station between Cochrane and Moosonee. Due to the isolation of the reserve and lack of employment opportunities, the reserve was never occupied. [More]

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We are a regional body that will support community economic development through assisting communities with economic analysis and strategic planning.