Commercial/Business Financing
Wakenagun can provide financing up to a maximum of $100,000 from our Investment Fund in the form of a loan to start or expand a business with a well-documented business plan. These loans are non-forgivable.
The purpose of Wakenagun CFDC’s Investment Fund is to promote economic development and entrepreneurial initiatives for the communities in the Mushkegowuk area.
The priorities of the Investment Fund are to:
- Improve the standard of living within the service area
- Re-circulate money within the service area
- Develop local skills and create employment
Community Strategic Planning Support
Technical support is available to our member communities who are undertaking community strategic planning projects. We can assist by giving our expertise in economic development and how it can improve in your community.
Give us a call today to find out more information on how we can help your community grow.
Business Support Services
We’re here to help you find the right tools for your business to grow. We can help by:
- Providing helpful advice and counselling on financial matters, marketing, commercial growth, or how to start up a business
- Referring clients to other agencies or programs that provide assistance to small businesses
- Provide access to relevant reference materials such as business plan guides
Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs Loan
Wakenagun CFDC will provide funding through the IWE Micro-Loan Program to assist Indigenous women to access micro-financing and build their credit.
Download Brochure:
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Download Application Form:
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E-commerce Grant Program
eCommerce Support for Entrepreneurs in the Western James Bay coastal communities and TTN and Missinabie FN.
CFDC will assist new and existing businesses with grants and/or hire experts to provide culturally sensitive training workshops/programs and/or grants.
Download Brochure:
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Download Application Form:
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IEDF - BCF Loan Fund Program
Regional CF, Wakenagun Community Futures Development Corporation
Supporting economic development initiatives and supporting small businesses through counselling services and funding required - to start, maintain and expand their businesses, especially as they continue to pursue recovery efforts in these challenging times.
Download Brochure:
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Download Application Form:
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Business Financing
- Aboriginal Business
- Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)
- The Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF)
- The National Aboriginal Capital Corporation Association
- Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund (NADF)
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund
- Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations (OACFDC)